FORMAT transformation

this step was started after changed the format from .ser to .tif using imagej software, but as you can see ,its failed to import the movies, i don’t know why . And i want to know how to change the file format of the negative staining data to .tif for cryosparc without any bug.

Are they actually movies, or just single frames? If single frames (looks like neg stain, so probable?), import as micrographs rather than movies.

Thanks for your reply, but “import micrographs” is only accept .mrc format of the file.My files format are .tif, so i can’t import these file as micrographs.

They’re not movies so importing as movies will not work.

Convert them to MRC with EMAN2/RELION or other program of choice.

TIF2MRC in IMOD should do the trick:

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Yeah, that too. IMOD does just about everything, not sure why I blanked on that one! :sweat_smile:

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