Feature request - allow merging exposure groups with non-constant CTF


Currently, it is only possible to use one set of exposure groups for refining all higher order CTF values.

So if one has split the dataset into say 50 image shift groups for refining tilt/trefoil, and then you want to refine anisotropic magnification or tetrafoil, you are forced to do this with 50 groups (which are usually too small to have sufficient signal for this purpose).

At the moment, if the user wants to combine exposure groups post refinement, there are only two options - to fail if the CTF is non-constant, or to average the values across the groups. Would it be possible to allow for a third mode (“ignore”), to keep the input values, and then to allow for non-constant values in a group during Global CTF refinement, so long as one is not refining those specific values? So that if one has refined per-group tilts, but hasn’t touched tetrafoil/anisomag, one would be able to revert to a single exposure group and then refine these parameters separately?

Alternatively, if there is already a way to do this I would be keen to hear it!

Also - with regards to the existing option that averages the values across the groups - would it be possible to print out the output values? Currently this is not recorded in the log file.



Feature request recorded. Thanks, Oli!

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