Hey all,
I initially processed my dataset using Cryosparc, (Particle picking with topaz, extraction in Csparc, 2D classification, Ab initio, and consensus refinement) then used Csparc2Star to generate a .star file for further processing in Relion. While doing this, I did not use the --swapxy argument (which I now realise is needed to hit my particles when re-extracting in Relion).
I had used 3D classification in Relion, further processed two classes, and now have an ideal set of particles corresponding to each class (2). Since these particles were not swapped using --swapxy before exporting to Relion, the particle coordinates are incorrect, and pose an issue when I attempt to polish these particles.
I re-did the Csparc2Star conversion on the main, full set of (Class2D selected) particles, and now have the correct .star file containing all of the particles and their correct coordinates. Could someone help me out with a way (example of a command) that I can update the particle coordinates from my sets of ideal particles? All my attempts at using /pyem/star.py have failed.
Thanks in advance for the help