Hey good people,
I was using this tutorial (case 1 basically) to import beam shift data acquired with epu_group_afis strategy directly onto CS.
My question is, how essential is it to do the second round of patch motion and patch ctf after the Exposure Group Utility job? (I apparently realized first round is super-essential. Just can’t wrap my head around about the 2nd round post-Exposure Group Utility)
If you imported the beam shift data after performing preprocessing you don’t need to repeat it. In that tutorial example, the beam shifts are applied to movies, which haven’t been processed yet.
You’re fine to just go ahead with particle picking etc.
Just to clarify on this, I am doing everything from the scratch with the raw movies. So, I imported the raw movies (tiff format from Krios) with the corresponding xml files, did motion correction, CTF estimation and then applied Exposure group utility.
Now it turns out after that Exposure group utility job, we don’t have to do a second round of motion correction and CTF estimation, rather may move on to downstream processing, is that right?