Exposure Curation: Suggestions and Feature Requests

Thanks @olibclarke,

Thank you for the suggestions! We’ll make sure to output these statistics in the event log so that they’re available for the reasons you mentioned above.

- Suhail

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how about “automatically curate exposures”? with job builder values for cutoffs? and/or “use values from similar job”. basically, I developed whole workflow on subset of mics, now want to repeat on whole dataset, have to wait for CTF to finish before the auto queue of the whole processing pipeline. obv same applies for inspection of particle picks. THANKS!

Hi @CryoEM1 ,

Thanks for the suggestion. Indeed, it would be great to circumvent the interactive process and automatically apply thresholds to exposures based on a set of parameters at build time. This is on our roadmap - I’ll reply to this topic when we have an update!

- Suhail


I’d really love to be able to export a list of accepted/rejected micrographs so that in the event that I (for example) do something stupid and have to back up several steps after manually evaluating every micrograph from a problematic data set, I could potentially upload this information again into a Curate Exposures job so that I could easily accept/reject the same micrographs without redoing my work. (Is this a thing already?)

Keep up the good work! Thanks everyone!

Hi @kmradford ,

Thanks for the feedback! I can confirm in the next update to the cryoSPARC interface you’ll be able to download the list of exposures within the curation job with multiple filter options. We’re hoping to roll this out soon - stay tuned for updates!

- Suhail

first of all thanks for your work. It is great!

I need to go through a tricky dataset and I need to inspect micrograph per micrograph and it is not as handy as it could be…
If I can suggest a few things to make it more user friendly.

  • It would be great if we could use the arrows to navigate up and down within the micrographs list.
  • As well as keyboards shortcut to accept or reject the micrographs.
  • It will be great as well to add the so/so category or some color/ annotation in case the user does not have enough micrographs he could accept the so/so or depending on the purposes. e.g. for virus if you what whole virus or just the spike.
    Finally, just a quick remark when you point the mouse on the accept or reject the popping information is on the micrograph. It will be better to have it up than below.
    Thank you again