Export job - dereference symbolic links?


Currently if I export a job, there is no indication in the GUI where the exported job can be found (this is mentioned in the help, but there should be a message when exporting the job to tell the user where to find it).

Secondly, the exported job has symbiolic links to all the particles and referenced data. If one wants to import it on the same machine this is fine, but quite often if one is exporting a job it is because it is intended for transfer to a different machine. Would it be possible to add an option to make a self-contained job on export, with links dereferenced?


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Sorry to resurrect this old topic but I have a related issue/question. If I don’t want to include the -dereference option during tar of a job export, then how does the job receiver point the symbolic links to the correct particle stack? For example, if I want to send someone a relion folder (used for generating mics and particles) and the associated cryosparc pre-processing and refinement jobs, I don’t need to dereference and double the data. But can they easily point their cs instance to the new relion path upon job import?

On a related note to import/export features, I am blocked from moving things into cryosparc import folder (lack permissions), so can’t test import behavior on my end, as related to previous issues discussed in

Suppose the receiver has unpacked the archive(s) with exposures and particle stacks at some storage location and the exported CryoSPARC exported job inside the “receiving” CryoSPARC project directory. Then the receiver would have to update any symbolic links inside the exported job folder before importing the job into the receiving CryoSPARC project.