Hi all,
we moved one CS project with the corresponding raw movies from one location to another and I tried to edit the symlinks in the Import job as suggested here:
We are using cryoSPARC version: v3.3.2
When I tried to run the icli command:
job_import_replace_symlinks(‘P41’, ‘J1’, ‘/old/location’, ‘/new/folder/’)
I got:
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-434385b8ce9d> in <module>
----> 1 job_import_replace_symlinks('P41', 'J1', '/d/hpc/projects/cryosparc/lukak/', '/ceph/hpc/data/KI/lukak/fromARNES_CS/')
NameError: name 'job_import_replace_symlinks' is not defined
If I just try to run
I also get:
NameError: name 'job_import_replace_symlinks' is not defined
I checked all the cli commands on https://guide.cryosparc.com/setup-configuration-and-management/management-and-monitoring/cli
is not documented. Has it been perhaps broken or has it been removed?