Distinguish expansion of specific symmetry operator after symmetry expansion

Hello everyone:
Im working on virus with icosahedron capsid and have used symmetry expansion to generate 60 splited outputs of icosahedron symmtery operations. Is there any easy way to distinguish their symmetry operator or matrix so that I can choose a subgroup of expansion particles by their expaneded orientation? If so, it would be less consuming next.
I tried to read the .cs file and found particles with same import id&alignment 2D coodinates, but different euler angles. How to judge symmetry operator from euler angle?

Hi @Figogu! Thanks for your post! Are you hoping to separate your particle stack into 60 groups, with each group being one of the orientations? If so, using cryosparc-tools and filtering based on sym_exp/idx ought to do what you need! Here is an example of how you could do this: split_by_sym_exp.ipynb · GitHub

May I ask why you are hoping to split particles in this way? What jobs do you plan to run that require you to know which symmetry-related group a given particle came from?

Thank you! I was going to do asymmetry analysis for phage capsid, which aimming at finding the only portal connecting capsid and phage tail from 12 icosahedron-averaged vertexes. So only 12 of 60 symmetry opteration is required. As I know, it is a common workflow of phage portal reconstruction since one can hardly directly pick portal particle from micrographs, and was used to achieved by relion.

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