Differences between 2D CTF when viewed in Cryosparc vs exported "ctf/diag_image_path"

Hey @avd38, Curate Exposures only adjusts the contrast of the image from ctf/diag_image_path. The minimum and maximum values are set with this function:

def contrast_normalization(arr_bin, tile_size = 128):
    Computes the minimum and maximum contrast values to use
    by calculating the median of the 2nd/98th percentiles
    of the mic split up into tile_size * tile_size patches.
    :param arr_bin: the micrograph represented as a numpy array
    :type arr_bin: list
    :param tile_size: the size of the patch to split the mic by 
        (larger is faster)
    :type tile_size: int
    ny,nx = arr_bin.shape
    # set up start and end indexes to make looping code readable
    tile_start_x = n.arange(0, nx, tile_size)
    tile_end_x = tile_start_x + tile_size
    tile_start_y = n.arange(0, ny, tile_size)
    tile_end_y = tile_start_y + tile_size
    num_tile_x = len(tile_start_x)
    num_tile_y = len(tile_start_y)
    # initialize array that will hold percentiles of all patches
    tile_all_data = n.empty((num_tile_y*num_tile_x, 2), dtype=n.float32)

    index = 0
    for y in range(num_tile_y):
        for x in range(num_tile_x):
            # cut out a patch of the mic
            arr_tile = arr_bin[tile_start_y[y]:tile_end_y[y], tile_start_x[x]:tile_end_x[x]]
            # store 2nd and 98th percentile values
            tile_all_data[index:,0] = n.percentile(arr_tile, 98)
            tile_all_data[index:,1] = n.percentile(arr_tile, 2)
            index += 1

    # calc median of non-NaN percentile values
    all_tiles_98_median = n.nanmedian(tile_all_data[:,0])
    all_tiles_2_median = n.nanmedian(tile_all_data[:,1])
    vmid = 0.5*(all_tiles_2_median+all_tiles_98_median)
    vrange = abs(all_tiles_2_median-all_tiles_98_median)
    extend = 1.5
    # extend vmin and vmax enough to not include outliers
    vmin = vmid - extend*0.5*vrange
    vmax = vmid + extend*0.5*vrange

    return vmin, vmax

Then pyplot.imshow() with these params should give you the same plot as the job.