Default project directory [feature request]

I believe it’s a duplicate for this request, which was closed for some reason.

But still, it’d be cool to have at least an instance-wide setting for default project directory. Currently, we handle it via keeping the $HOME of cryosparcuser empty, and have single softlink cryosparc_projects to the folder for the projects there, but it seems suboptimal.

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Am I correctly inferring that with Default project directory you do not mean the project directory of a specific project, but a container directory that contains some project directories?

yes – in the original message, I mean the ability to change the directory that gets opened when you click “New project” button. Currently, it’s $HOME of cryosparcuser, and it’d be cool to be able to change it.

I’ve the same concern today,
did you find a way to manage it ?
thanks in advance.

I think some consideration was paid to the spirit of this request when engineering the bookmarking system (v4.5+).


Thank you, as you mention, it’s in the spirit of the request ^^

Is it correct that the CryoSPARC user’s $HOME directory is visible to all users via the web interface and serves as the default location for projects?

This seems problematic, especially when the master node is a small VM with $HOME on local (and limited) storage, rather than on a large NAS designated for projects. While I could relocate $HOME to a network share and use a symlink, exposing local dot files to all users makes me uneasy.

I’d appreciate any recommendations on handling this - specifically how can I hide the homedir from users? Thanks :slight_smile:

@mbelgin One can set a path prefix that a CryoSPARC web app user can query with the set_user_allowed_prefix_dir() CLI function (docs).
For system-level privilege separation between CryoSPARC users, consider running multiple CryoSPARC instances under separate Linux accounts where each instance is restricted to a set of users that trust each other. Multiple CryoSPARC instance can run on the same computer if:

  1. the computer can “handle” the combined workloads.
  2. their designated port ranges, controlled by the cryosparc_master/ --port parameter do not overlap.
  3. no more than one CryoSPARC instance has control over any given CryoSPARC project directory.
  4. their license IDs are distinct and unique.
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I would love this too. Currently we have projects scattered around the disk on some systems for exactly this reason (no default “home” dir for projects)

Thank you @wtempel!

I’m experimenting with the idea of overwriting $HOME inside (cringing). So far it seems to be working but not sure what the side effects would be. I’ll report back after running some tests etc!