Data sharing and security between users

Letting users delete other users data is a big issue.
Is it possible to make sharing read only?
And importing projects created by others should never delete the original project, this is a huge issue. Is it possible to retreive deleted projects data?

Hi @jiskander,

This is definitely a valid feature request. Role-based access in the user interface is on our priority list.

This is not the intended behaviour, can you elaborate? Do you mean the original project from the original instance is being deleted?

I meant after importing a project from another user, I deleted my new project and this deleted the original project of the other user.
This was not intended and not the obvious behaviour, as my project was on an another instance.

Hi @jiskander,

Is is possible that you didn’t create a copy of the original project before importing it?
We recommend copying or compressing the entire project, and then placing it in a separate directory:

The cryoSPARC instance you’re importing into doesn’t have the ability to know that another instance is using the same project directory.
Unfortunately there isn’t a way to recover the deleted data.

If you can add a notification on delete that it will affect all users and maybe make the project name identical to the imported project, because it causes confusion.
I had the idea that this was a new project.