Csparc2star.py converted .star file does not contain rlnOriginX, rlnOriginY, rlnAngleRot, rlnAngleTilt, rlnAnglePsi, and rlnRandomSubset

Hi everyone,
I am fairly new to cryoEM and trying to convert particles that I have processed from cryoSPARCv4.2.1 to Relion5. I have done the data processing in cryoSPARC and would like to perform Bayesian polishing in Relion. I have followed Method 1 in the “cryosparc & Bayesian polishing” page of the github page for csparc2star.py. The entire workflow runs smoothly up until I run Bayesian polishing where I get the following error:

I looked into my .star file and I do have some columns (rlnAngleRot, rlnAngleTilt, rlnAnglePsi, and rlnRandomSubset) but I do not have (rlnOriginX and rlnOriginY). I am unsure why Relion cannot read some of the columns that I do have information for but I am also concerned why I do not have rlnOriginX and rlnOriginY. The columns I have are as follows:

If anyone can provide insight into how to approach my issue or if there is simple solution, I would really appreciate it! Thank you in advance and for your time!


This is probably due to an existing bug in star.py. Try manually applying the fix suggested in this pull request #125.


Just fixed that one.

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