I would like to perform focused 3D classification w/o alignment in Relion using signal-subtracted particles with a reference volume and mask from local refinement in cryosparc.
I have converted my exported .cs file containing these particles to .star but just want to check, should I skip sed -i 's/particles.mrc/particles.mrcs/g' from_csparc_P7J369.star
(which is normally done for a particle.star file that points to extracted particles but my .star doesn’t contain .mrc) and create symlinks to the .mrcs files contained in the signal subtraction job?
Here is a line from my star file:
000384@J343/subtracted_particles_batch_110B.mrcs J10/imported/FoilHole_9138183_Data_7120097_7120099_20191009_1927_fractions.mrc 345 1802 107.785454 64.232979 56.879372 0.378805 1.374681 13332.370117 13311.297852 -22.611738 0.000000 0.000000 4 2 1