Cryosparc does not show graphical output of jobs

Dear CS-team,

We have a problem with no visible error. Since yeasterday (but more likley since friday (9th august 2024)), none of our users have been able to view volumes of running or even completed jobs in their entire workspace. They are “forever” in the loading phase (picture attached). Everything else (setteing up and running jobs etc.) works as usual. Whether on the master or on the worker. Only for a while on Friday, cryosparc did not display the output graphically (no pictures of Plots, Real Space Slices, 2D classes etc.). However, this problem disappeared on the same day, but reappeared today (2nd, 3rd, 4th pictures attached). This is only visible if one clicks on the job for more details and to investigate the plots etc…

There are no major processes running on our master worker that can be identified as the cause of this problem.

Does anyone encountered this problem before, or might have an idea for a solution? I would be very grateful for any help.

Thank you very much


Welcome to the forum @Hannah . If your CryoSPARC version is v4.5.*, you may be experiencing a problem that is addressed in Patch 240807 is available for CryoSPARC v4.5.3.
The patch is specific to v4.5.3.

We’ve had this issue intermittently over multiple versions of CryoSPARC. Sometimes for us it just loads very slowly (usually the images in the Event Log) but one system recently failed to load 3D volumes at all (regardless of size) for a couple of weeks until a reboot.

This one system has a different NIC to most of our processing systems and suffers from it almost exclusively, which has always made me think it was more network related than anything else, although there is some correlation to the data RAID being hammered particularly hard also. The network issue is supported by another issue that system has, where sometimes after a reboot it will fail to negotiate a network connection, despite the NIC reporting OK in the OS.

Thanks to both of you!

We are also having the feeling, that it might have something to do with the network, so we’re going to check that.
