I’m trying to import particles from RELION to do local refinement. But the rlnAngleRot, rlnAngleTilt, rlnAnglePsi, rlnOriginX, rlnOriginY were not imported from the .star file, and the local refinement had the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “cryosparc2_worker/cryosparc2_compute/run.py”, line 49, in cryosparc2_compute.run.main
File “cryosparc2_compute/jobs/runcommon.py”, line 325, in check_default_inputs
assert False, 'Non-optional inputs from the following input groups and their slots are not connected: ’ + missing_inputs + ‘. Please connect all required inputs.’
AssertionError: Non-optional inputs from the following input groups and their slots are not connected: particles.blob, particles.alignments3D. Please connect all required inputs.
I tried the “Ignore raw data” above for the import particle stack jobs, but the alignment information was still missing. The RELION particles are symmetry expanded so I can’t perform reconstruction in cryopsarc but need to proceed to local refinement directly. Any suggestion on how to get around this?
Best regards,