Would it be possible to add an option to perform particle extraction in Live using multiple CPUs?
Currently, when we want to alter Live extraction parameters after collecting several thousand mics, this then causes motion correction to fall behind by a few hundred micrographs, sometimes taking several hours to catch back up. I am assuming this is because the preprocessing GPUs are overloaded dealing with particle extraction. If this instead could be performed using the CPU, it might be a bit slower, but at least motion correction & CTF would remain up to date (which I think is probably the most important). It also might reduce the system requirements a bit for running Live effectively…?
One other thought - I wonder if the facility of CPU extraction to extract with two different degrees of cropping might be beneficial for Live. We often find that at the level of binning we want for streaming refinement, streaming 2D is extremely slow - in particular, the step where it realigns all the particles can take a long time (>7hrs and still going for a dataset we are collecting now). Perhaps using a greater level of binning for 2D and ab initio might be helpful, and then reverting back to the unbinned (or close to unbinned) particles for streaming refinement, might be worth considering?