Hi Robin - the latest version of csparc2star.py does not take the passthrough flag. You can just add the passthrough cs file, if needed, as an additional cs file without this flag, e.g:
Columns must be same length as key
A passthrough file may be required (check inside the cryoSPARC 2+ job directory)
it looks like the particle number is different in two cs file.
however the the job folder there is only two passthroug cs file, passthrough_particles_excluded.cs passthrough_particles_selected.cs. It looks strange.
Ignore the “passthrough may be required” message - it is a generic error message persisting from an older version of the script as I understand it (@DanielAsarnow is this right?).
But yes, it seems like these two files are not compatible - I’ve run into this as well with certain job types. which job types were they from? Does running csparc2star.py just on the particles_selected.cs work?
Hi, I have particles which were extracted in Relion and imported in cryoSPARC. When I tried to export .cs file from Select2D job to .star using the following command:
@yxlui 1) use --loglevel debug and post the entire stacktrace. 2) Make sure you have Python 3 and the latest master branch of pyem with all dependencies, and that csparc2star.py --help prints all options successfully.