Clear all intermediate result

Hi, is there a method that can clear all intermediate results in one project, or workplace?

Unused intermediate results can be executed at a job level (by clicking the “Clear Intermediate Results” button on the Job Details panel) or at a project level for every job (by clicking the “Clear Intermediate Results” button on the Project Details panel). This function will remove all unused outputs created by iterative jobs that save raw data at every iteration. Final results for every result slot will be retained, whether they have been used elsewhere or not.

See section 4 @ link below.


Thanks! I finally find the option on the project level!

Is there a way to clear intermediate results in ALL projects at once without clicking the button one-by-one for every project?


@CL5678 You may clear an individual job’s or project’s intermediate results with the clear_intermediate_results() cli function.
If, after careful consideration, one wanted to delete the intermediate results of all projects, one may loop over a list of the CryoSPARC instance’ s projects in the CryoSPARC interactive command line interface:

cryosparcm icli # enter the icli
for project in cli.list_projects():
exit() # exit the icli
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