Hi Rich, I tried this, but it gave the following error:
(cryosparc-tools) user@ubuntu:~$ python realign_script.py
Connection succeeded to CryoSPARC command_core at http://localhost:39002
Connection succeeded to CryoSPARC command_vis at http://localhost:39003
Connection succeeded to CryoSPARC command_rtp at http://localhost:39005
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "realign_script.py", line 43, in <module>
rot_mat, translation = parse_chimerax_matrix_string(chimx_mat)
File "realign_script.py", line 30, in parse_chimerax_matrix_string
File "realign_script.py", line 31, in <listcomp>
[float(y) for y in x.split(' ')]
File "realign_script.py", line 31, in <listcomp>
[float(y) for y in x.split(' ')]
ValueError: could not convert string to float: ''
Using a slightly edited version of your script:
from cryosparc.tools import CryoSPARC
import json
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
with open(Path('~/cs_instance_info.json').expanduser(), 'r') as f:
instance_info = json.load(f)
cs = CryoSPARC(**instance_info)
assert cs.test_connection()
project_number = "P51"
workspace_number = "W6"
# src should be a symmetry expansion in C1 if you want
# to use the sym_expand/idx later
src_job_number = "J253"
src_job_particles_name = "particles"
src_job_vol_name = "volume"
lane_to_use = "default"
project = cs.find_project(project_number)
workspace = project.find_workspace(workspace_number)
job = project.find_job(src_job_number)
unrotated_particles = job.load_output(src_job_particles_name)
def parse_chimerax_matrix_string(chimx_mat:str) -> np.array:
full_matrix = np.array(
[float(y) for y in x.split(' ')]
for x in chimx_mat.split('\n')
rot_matrix = full_matrix[:,:3]
translation = full_matrix[:, 3].T
return (rot_matrix, translation)
chimx_mat = """ 0.22976117 0.94489315 0.23320967 -41.36825376
-0.95758188 0.17665770 0.22765985 29.48019271
0.17391594 -0.27562475 0.94540163 5.72622007"""
rot_mat, translation = parse_chimerax_matrix_string(chimx_mat)
# we want a new center in voxels, not a translation in A
translation /= unrotated_particles['alignments3D/psize_A'][0]
new_box_center = unrotated_particles['blob/shape'][0][0] / 2 - translation
euler = R.from_matrix(rot_mat).as_euler('ZYZ')
# chimeraX translates *after* rotating, CryoSPARC translates *before*.
# thus, we need two VAT jobs. One rotating, one translating.
unshifted_job = workspace.create_job(
type = "volume_alignment_tools",
connections = {
"particles": (src_job_number, src_job_particles_name),
"volume": (src_job_number, src_job_vol_name)
params = {
# yes, this is the right parameter name for the Euler angles
'recenter_axang': ','.join(str(x) for x in euler)
unshift_id = unshifted_job.doc['uid']
shifted_job = workspace.create_job(
type = "volume_alignment_tools",
connections = {
"particles": (unshift_id, "particles"),
"volume": (unshift_id, "volume")
params = {
"recenter_shift": ",".join(str(x) for x in new_box_center)
shifted_id = shifted_job.doc['uid']
shifted_results = project.find_job(shifted_id)
shifted_particles = shifted_results.load_output('particles')
shifted_particles['sym_expand/idx'] = 1
passthrough=(shifted_id, 'particles'),
title='non-point-group sym expand'
Any idea what might be going wrong?
Adding an operation to strip trailing whitespace seemed to fix the issue, although the resulting volume alignment tools job does not have the expected rotation:
from cryosparc.tools import CryoSPARC
import json
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
with open(Path('~/cs_instance_info.json').expanduser(), 'r') as f:
instance_info = json.load(f)
cs = CryoSPARC(**instance_info)
assert cs.test_connection()
project_number = "P51"
workspace_number = "W6"
# src should be a symmetry expansion in C1 if you want
# to use the sym_expand/idx later
src_job_number = "J253"
src_job_particles_name = "particles"
src_job_vol_name = "volume"
lane_to_use = "default"
project = cs.find_project(project_number)
workspace = project.find_workspace(workspace_number)
job = project.find_job(src_job_number)
unrotated_particles = job.load_output(src_job_particles_name)
#def parse_chimerax_matrix_string(chimx_mat:str) -> np.array:
# full_matrix = np.array(
# [
# [float(y) for y in x.split(' ')]
# for x in chimx_mat.split('\n')
# ]
# )
# rot_matrix = full_matrix[:,:3]
# translation = full_matrix[:, 3].T
# return (rot_matrix, translation)
def parse_chimerax_matrix_string(chimx_mat: str) -> np.array:
print("Input string:")
lines = chimx_mat.strip().split('\n') # Strip leading/trailing whitespace
print("Split lines:")
full_matrix = np.array(
[float(y) for y in x.split()] # No need to specify ' ' as split argument, it will split by any whitespace
for x in lines
print("Parsed matrix:")
rot_matrix = full_matrix[:, :3]
translation = full_matrix[:, 3].T
return rot_matrix, translation
chimx_mat = """ 0.22976117 0.94489315 0.23320967 -41.36825376
-0.95758188 0.17665770 0.22765985 29.48019271
0.17391594 -0.27562475 0.94540163 5.72622007 """
rot_mat, translation = parse_chimerax_matrix_string(chimx_mat)
# we want a new center in voxels, not a translation in A
translation /= unrotated_particles['alignments3D/psize_A'][0]
new_box_center = unrotated_particles['blob/shape'][0][0] / 2 - translation
euler = R.from_matrix(rot_mat).as_euler('ZYZ')
# chimeraX translates *after* rotating, CryoSPARC translates *before*.
# thus, we need two VAT jobs. One rotating, one translating.
unshifted_job = workspace.create_job(
type = "volume_alignment_tools",
connections = {
"particles": (src_job_number, src_job_particles_name),
"volume": (src_job_number, src_job_vol_name)
params = {
# yes, this is the right parameter name for the Euler angles
'recenter_axang': ','.join(str(x) for x in euler)
unshift_id = unshifted_job.doc['uid']
shifted_job = workspace.create_job(
type = "volume_alignment_tools",
connections = {
"particles": (unshift_id, "particles"),
"volume": (unshift_id, "volume")
params = {
"recenter_shift": ",".join(str(x) for x in new_box_center)
shifted_id = shifted_job.doc['uid']
shifted_results = project.find_job(shifted_id)
shifted_particles = shifted_results.load_output('particles')
shifted_particles['sym_expand/idx'] = 1
passthrough=(shifted_id, 'particles'),
title='non-point-group sym expand'
Ok got it to work! The input matrix has to be derived from measure rotation
as applied to two duplicate maps - not models fit to the maps. Then, if the origin of both maps has been set to the center of the box, it does the trick! Thanks heaps!