Bug: high symmetry ab initio does not obey project settings

Hi CryoSPARC team,

I set a project to default to disable SSD caching, and when I selected the high symmetry option for parameters in the Job Builder in CryoSPARC 4.4, SSD caching was enabled.

It’s not exactly a critical bug, but may trip someone up.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

I think that’s a Blueprint… I would expect blueprints to override defaults I think? Or maybe only explicitly altered settings in Blueprints should override defaults?

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Ah, it is a blueprint! It’s listed under Builder options when I search for “ab initio”. Hadn’t looked in the Blueprints section yet. OK, fair one. Still it would be nice if Blueprints obeyed Project defaults (if possible).

Hi @rbs_sci ,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We agree - when creating a job via the builder project-level parameters should still be applied. We’ll work on a fix for an upcoming release.

- Suhail


Hi Suhail,

I tend to agree that this behavior should be altered, but what happens if the user explicitly sets a project-default-settable parameter in a blueprint?

E.g. lets say I make a blueprint “Extraction (fp16)” with fp16 set to on, and in one of my projects it is set to off as a project-level default.

Should fp16 then obey the blueprint, or the project default?


Hi Oli, in this case the blueprint will take precedence and fp16 will be on. Another way to think about it is in the order of operations:

  1. Job is created, project-level params are set
  2. Blueprint is applied, any params specified by the blueprint are set

- Suhail

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Hi @rbs_sci and @olibclarke ,

A fix for this issue is now available in the latest CryoSPARC v4.4.1 release.

Project level parameters will no longer be reset when creating a job from a blueprint, unless the parameter is also set by the blueprint, as noted above by @sdawood.

All job parameters will still be reset when applying a blueprint to an existing job.

- Kelly