I (finally?) got around to trying blob picker tuner.
It is really excellent and works great! I think it might be worth expanding the documentation a bit to emphasize that it grid searches the major & minor axes of an elliptical blob - although it does mention something about shapes in the docs, I didn’t pick up on this, and it makes it much more useful for membrane proteins!
Blob Picker tuner does not output the templates it creates… would it be possible to output the individual generated templates so they can be reused and combined in a template picker job? I guess I can just generate them using Blob Picker with the calculated parameters, so maybe it doesn’t matter, but it would be convenient…
EDIT2: Also, there is no option to use denoised mics. I assume they are not used? Would be good to have as an option?
EDIT3: Tuner only ever seems to use one template, even on heterogeneous datasets. Is this by design? Would having an option to keep/use the n top scoring templates that recapitulate different subsets of user picks be worthwhile?