Bin particles process

when I did downsampling ,it shows the mistake as follow,
File “/home/meilab/cryosparcuser/cryosparc/cryosparc_worker/cryosparc_worker/cryosparc_compute/jobs/”, line 547, in load_input_group
assert is_connected, “Slot %s.%s must be connected!” % (input_group_name, slot[‘name’])
AssertionError: Slot particles.blob must be connected!
I just input the output from inspect particles, so if I want to bin particles for later 2Dclassification,what should I do next?

Inspect particles does not extract them. You need to use extract from micrographs after inspect particles to extract the particles from the micrographs for further processing.

yes, I used extract from micrographs after inspect particles, i input extract box size 256, and Fourier crop to box size (pix) as 64, then i did 2D classification.
Do I have to get the box of the particle back to its original size before i ab-initio reconstruction, and how do I get it back to its original box size256?

No. Although it depends a little on pixel size, as I don’t generally recommend going into 3D at >4Å/pixel (others may have a different opinion).

When you’ve cleaned your stack up, user another Extract job and don’t Fourier crop.