AssertionError: No match for particles_selected.alignments3D

Dear all,

An error appeared when I run 2D classification. Does anyone know how to solve this issue? Thanks.


[CPU: 13.23 GB] Done Full Iteration 101 took 868.638s for 816897 images

[CPU: 13.30 GB] Full class2D run took 10973.605s

[CPU: 13.14 GB] --------------------------------------------------------------

[CPU: 13.14 GB] Compiling job outputs…

[CPU: 13.14 GB] Passing through outputs for output group particles from input group particles

[CPU: 13.34 GB] This job outputted results [‘blob’, ‘ctf’, ‘alignments2D’]

[CPU: 13.34 GB] Loaded output dset with 816897 items

[CPU: 13.34 GB] Passthrough results [‘location’, ‘alignments3D’, ‘pick_stats’, ‘ml_properties’]

[CPU: 13.34 GB] Traceback (most recent call last):
File “cryosparc_worker/cryosparc_compute/”, line 89, in
File “/spshared/apps/cryosparc3/cryosparc_worker/cryosparc_compute/jobs/”, line 906, in passthrough_outputs
dset = load_input_group(input_group_name, passthrough_result_names, allow_passthrough=True)
File “/spshared/apps/cryosparc3/cryosparc_worker/cryosparc_compute/jobs/”, line 560, in load_input_group
dsets = [load_input_connection_slots(input_group_name, keep_slot_names, idx, allow_passthrough=allow_passthrough) for idx in range(num_connections)]
File “/spshared/apps/cryosparc3/cryosparc_worker/cryosparc_compute/jobs/”, line 560, in
dsets = [load_input_connection_slots(input_group_name, keep_slot_names, idx, allow_passthrough=allow_passthrough) for idx in range(num_connections)]
File “/spshared/apps/cryosparc3/cryosparc_worker/cryosparc_compute/jobs/”, line 531, in load_input_connection_slots
dsets = [load_input_connection_single_slot(input_group_name, slot_name, connection_idx, allow_passthrough=allow_passthrough) for slot_name in slot_names]
File “/spshared/apps/cryosparc3/cryosparc_worker/cryosparc_compute/jobs/”, line 531, in
dsets = [load_input_connection_single_slot(input_group_name, slot_name, connection_idx, allow_passthrough=allow_passthrough) for slot_name in slot_names]
File “/spshared/apps/cryosparc3/cryosparc_worker/cryosparc_compute/jobs/”, line 521, in load_input_connection_single_slot
output_result = com.query(otherjob[‘output_results’], lambda r : r[‘group_name’] == slotconnection[‘group_name’] and r[‘name’] == slotconnection[‘result_name’], error=‘No match for %s.%s in job %s’ % (slotconnection[‘group_name’], slotconnection[‘result_name’], job[‘uid’]))
File “/spshared/apps/cryosparc3/cryosparc_worker/cryosparc_compute/jobs/”, line 627, in query
assert res != default, error
AssertionError: No match for particles_selected.alignments3D in job J513

Please can you post a screenshot of the expanded inputs from the Inputs and Parameters tab?
What was the job type that generated the input particles?