Are project directories moveable?

I would like to help a user move a project from one location to another (from a filesystem that should not be used for processing, to a faster one that should). If I copy an entire Pxxx directory to another location, will CryoSPARC be able to continue working with the project in its new location?

Matthew Cahn

Hey @mcahn,

If you’re running v3.3.0+, you can run the command: cryosparcm cli "update_project_directory('<project_uid>', '<absolute_path_to_new_project_dir>')" to update a project’s directory in the database after it’s copied to a new location. Just make sure you don’t modify anything about the project (e.g., run new jobs) while the project is being copied.

Example command: cryosparcm cli "update_project_directory('P55', '/bulk/data/cryosparc_projects/P55')"


Thanks very much, I’ll give that a try.


Hi @stephan, after correcting project directory and recalculating the project size, I still cannot see job sizes… is this normal. Is there any other command that should be applied?

I guess it is update_all_job_sizes, but I don’t manage to get the right usage.

I am running v3.3.2+220518


Huuummm… maybe it worked now!

Is this usage correct?

cryosparcm cli “update_all_job_sizes()”

why does it retrieve the following result?


Your usage of the function is correct. Job size are being recorded in the background, but not “returned” by the function. Therefore, “None” is being printed to the screen.