I really dislike the “.gain” nonsense for the gain reference. It was one of the (many) issues I’ve mentioned to TFS directly in the past, and while most of them have been addressed this remains.
Due to issues with K3 gain drift* during a single acquisition run, I’ve long ago taken to generating my own gain references directly from the dataset (either RELION (relion_estimate_gain) or cisTEM (sum_all_tiff_files/sum_all_mrc_files) for TIFF/MRC or RELION (relion_estimate_gain) for EER). Generating a gain from 200-300 micrographs is usually sufficient for a good gain reference, although I usually use 500 because I’m perhaps overly cautious.
*I am aware this is fixed on newer K3s, but we still have some data off a very early K3 where in a 24 hour acquisition, I needed multiple gain references to avoid gain artefacts as the dataset progressed. It just left a bad impression, and how stable the gain is on our Falcon 4 just rubs salt in the metaphorical wound.