Angular assignment: Are image likelihoods over all poses stored?

The EM algorithm, used for the 3D refinement, calculates for each projection image a probability function over all rotations (and translations). Do I have access to these probability functions (for each image)?

Hi @TamirBendory,

The full distribution of image likelihoods over each rotation/translation is computed, but not stored due to its large size and thus can’t be accessed. We do store the optimal image pose (alignments3D/pose and translation alignments3D/shift which is in units of alignments3D/psize_A). We also store the negative log likelihood of the image given the model, evaluated at the optimal pose, and this is stored in alignments3D/error.


Thanks for the prompt response! Just to clarify, when you say “optimal image pose,” do you mean the maximal value of the probability function over the rotations/translations?

Yes, that’s correct. It is the value of the image likelihood, maximized over all poses in SO(3) and all shifts in a neighbourhood around the origin. You may see it written in the CryoSPARC Nature Methods publication in the supplementary materials under equation 10. This quantity is maximized over variables (r,t).
