An error about relion recenter re-extract using the star file generated by pyem

I met a problem about relion recenter re-extract using the star file generated by pyem.

I used the command cryosparc_P359_J540_006_particles.cs P359_J540_passthrough_particles.cs --swapxy --inverty

And I could do the no-recenter re-extract in relion.

After comparing the star files, I found out the OriginX & OriginY are not convert.
I didn’t know how to revise the OriginXAngst & OriginYAngst in star file generated by pyem. I just did ${OriginXAngst} / ${MyPixelSize (unit: angstrom)} to get the OriginX. I guessed the rlnOriginX & rlnOriginY should also be --swapped? maybe? and maybe --inverty? maybe --invertx? And maybe I didn’t know how to do those.

The head of star file after


_rlnVoltage #1
_rlnSphericalAberration #2
_rlnAmplitudeContrast #3
_rlnOpticsGroup #4
_rlnImageSize #5
_rlnImagePixelSize #6
_rlnImageDimensionality #7
300.000000 2.906047 0.100000 32 384 1.087000 2
300.000000 2.871463 0.100000 33 384 1.087000 2
300.000000 2.856842 0.100000 34 384 1.087000 2



_rlnImageName #1
_rlnMicrographName #2
_rlnCoordinateX #3
_rlnCoordinateY #4
_rlnAngleRot #5
_rlnAngleTilt #6
_rlnAnglePsi #7
_rlnOriginXAngst #8
_rlnOriginYAngst #9
_rlnDefocusU #10
_rlnDefocusV #11
_rlnDefocusAngle #12
_rlnPhaseShift #13
_rlnCtfBfactor #14
_rlnOpticsGroup #15
_rlnRandomSubset #16
_rlnClassNumber #17
000002@J529/extract/20210719_stack_0007_cor_DW_particles.mrc J469/imported/20210719_stack_0007_cor_DW.mrc 2114 3557 -1.850596 57.413094 7.797913 13.618072 -1.656782 23543.001953 23484.187500 -77.690010 -2.661191 0.000000 32 1 1

And the head of star file I deleted, added, parsed some columns:


_rlnImageName #1
_rlnMicrographName #2
_rlnCoordinateX #3
_rlnCoordinateY #4
_rlnAngleRot #5
_rlnAngleTilt #6
_rlnAnglePsi #7
_rlnOriginX #8
_rlnOriginY #9
_rlnDefocusU #10
_rlnDefocusV #11
_rlnDefocusAngle #12
_rlnPhaseShift #13
_rlnCtfBfactor #14
_rlnRandomSubset #15
_rlnClassNumber #16
_rlnVoltage #17
_rlnSphericalAberration #18
_rlnAmplitudeContrast #19
_rlnMagnification #20
_rlnDetectorPixelSize #21

000002@/Share/home/cryosparc/P359/J529/extract/20210719_stack_0007_cor_DW_particles.mrcs stack_0007_cor_DW.mrc 3646 3557 -1.850596 57.413094 7.797913 12.64 11.73 23543.001953 23484.187500 -77.690010 -2.661191 0.000000 1 1 300.000000 2.700000 0.100000 45998.160156 5.000000

relion extract :
which relion_preprocess_mpi --i --reextract_data_star --recenter --recenter_x 0 --recenter_y 0 --recenter_z 0 --part_star Extract/job044/ --part_dir Extract/job044/ --extract --extract_size 384 --scale 128 --norm --bg_radius 48 --white_dust -1 --black_dust -1 --invert_contrast --only_extract_unfinished

There was also an error:

Warning: There are only 9 particles in micrograph stack_1198_cor_DW.mrc. Consider joining multiple micrographs into one group.

Warning: There are only 8 particles in micrograph stack_2314_cor_DW.mrc. Consider joining multiple micrographs into one group.
Warning: There are only 8 particles in micrograph stack_0007_cor_DW.mrc. Consider joining multiple micrographs into one group.
Warning: There are only 9 particles in micrograph stack_2674_cor_DW.mrc. Consider joining multiple micrographs into one group.
micrograph x,y,z,n-size= 5760 , 4092 , 1 , 1
particle position= 2147488825 , 2147485082
in: /ShareNV/app/relion/3.0.6_cuda10.1/src/preprocessing.cpp, line 881
=== Backtrace ===
/ShareNV/app/relion/3.0.6_cuda10.1/build/bin/relion_preprocess_mpi(_ZN11RelionErrorC1ERKSsS1_l+0x41) [0x41d691]
/ShareNV/app/relion/3.0.6_cuda10.1/build/bin/relion_preprocess_mpi(ZN13Preprocessing28extractParticlesFromOneFrameER13MetaDataTable8FileNameiiiS2_S2_RllRdS4_S4_S4+0x265f) [0x44371f]
/ShareNV/app/relion/3.0.6_cuda10.1/build/bin/relion_preprocess_mpi(_ZN13Preprocessing31extractParticlesFromFieldOfViewE8FileNamel+0x657) [0x444a37]
/ShareNV/app/relion/3.0.6_cuda10.1/build/bin/relion_preprocess_mpi(_ZN16PreprocessingMpi19runExtractParticlesEv+0x34c) [0x45482c]
/ShareNV/app/relion/3.0.6_cuda10.1/build/bin/relion_preprocess_mpi(_ZN16PreprocessingMpi3runEv+0x25) [0x454c95]
/ShareNV/app/relion/3.0.6_cuda10.1/build/bin/relion_preprocess_mpi(main+0x3b) [0x4177cb]
/lib64/ [0x2b8547bbd3d5]
/ShareNV/app/relion/3.0.6_cuda10.1/build/bin/relion_preprocess_mpi() [0x417eaf]


Preprocessing::extractParticlesFromOneFrame ERROR: particle1 lies completely outside micrograph stack_1198_cor_DW.mrc

MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 3 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD

with errorcode 1.
NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
exactly when Open MPI kills them.

[nv04:409956] 27 more processes have sent help message help-mpi-btl-openib.txt / ib port not selected
[nv04:409956] Set MCA parameter “orte_base_help_aggregate” to 0 to see all help / error messages
[nv04:409956] 26 more processes have sent help message help-mpi-btl-openib.txt / error in device init

Can someone help me?