Align 3D Maps fail to obtain consistent coordinate files?

The coordinates of the map.mrc and map_sharp.mrc files in the ‘Align 3D Maps’ result file do not coincide????

When I downloaded the map. mrc and map_sharp. mrc files from the ‘Align 3D Maps’ result file, I found that they were not aligned and not together.

Is this a software bug ??

Hi @mmclean
Can you help me solve this problem?

Thanks in advance for any replies!


Hi @yahulai2014,

Thanks for the post. Could you let us know which version of CryoSPARC you are running, and if it is a version v4.3.1 or below, could you update to the latest version of CryoSPARC, re-run the job, and let us know if the issue persists?

Kind regards,

Hi @mmclean,

I am facing a similar problem. I am aligning two volumes, and they seem to work fine, after downloading the volumes from the Align 3D job. I also had the particles corresponding to the volume to be aligned in the Align 3D job. After homogenous reconstruction only job of the particle to be aligned the volume doesnt align with the reference volume. The rotation of the volume seems fine but translation is off. I am on Cryosparc 4.4.1.

Hey @Ishan – we’ve been trying to reproduce this internally with no luck so far. Could you tell us the exact parameters used in the Align 3D job?
