Align 3D Maps fail to obtain consistent coordinate files?

The coordinates of the map.mrc and map_sharp.mrc files in the ‘Align 3D Maps’ result file do not coincide????

When I downloaded the map. mrc and map_sharp. mrc files from the ‘Align 3D Maps’ result file, I found that they were not aligned and not together.

Is this a software bug ??

Hi @mmclean
Can you help me solve this problem?

Thanks in advance for any replies!


Hi @yahulai2014,

Thanks for the post. Could you let us know which version of CryoSPARC you are running, and if it is a version v4.3.1 or below, could you update to the latest version of CryoSPARC, re-run the job, and let us know if the issue persists?

Kind regards,