Hello all,
I am currently running into an issue while using 3D flex on cryosparc v4.5.1. When I try running 3D Flex Reconstruction I get this event log:
[CPU: 11.94 GB]
====== Load particle data =======
[CPU: 11.95 GB]
Reading in all particle data on the fly from files…
[CPU: 11.95 GB]
Loading a ParticleStack with 96000 items…
[CPU: 11.95 GB]
SSD cache ACTIVE at /beegfs/scratch/mohilab/cryosparc_cache/instance_mohi-gpu01.lsi.umich.edu:39001 (10 GB reserve) (10 TB quota)
│ Cache usage │ Amount │
│ Total / Usable │ 97.79 TiB / 9.54 TiB │
│ Used / Free │ 5.22 TiB / 4.32 TiB │
│ Hits / Misses │ 238.42 GiB / 0.00 B │
│ Acquired / Required │ 238.42 GiB / 0.00 B │
Progress: [▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇] 20/20 (100%)
Elapsed: 0h 00m 13s
Active jobs: P263-J677
SSD cache complete for 20 file(s)
[CPU: 12.08 GB]
[CPU: 12.08 GB]
Preparing all particle CTF data…
[CPU: 12.09 GB]
Parameter “Force re-do GS split” was off. Using input split…
[CPU: 12.09 GB]
Split A contains 48000 particles
[CPU: 12.09 GB]
Split B contains 48000 particles
[CPU: 12.09 GB]
Setting up particle poses…
[CPU: 12.10 GB]
====== High resolution flexible refinement =======
[CPU: 12.10 GB]
Max num L-BFGS iterations was set to 20
[CPU: 12.10 GB]
Starting L-BFGS.
[CPU: 12.10 GB]
Reconstructing half-map A
[CPU: 12.10 GB]
Iteration 0 : 47000 / 48000 particles
**** Kill signal sent by CryoSPARC (ID: ) ****
Job is unresponsive - no heartbeat received in 180 seconds.
I also noticed when I looked into the metadata log tab, I saw this alert after multiple lines of sending heartbeats:
/lsi/local/pkg/cryosparc/cryosparc_worker/bin/cryosparcw: line 150: 476151 Segmentation fault (core dumped) python -c “import cryosparc_compute.run as run; run.run()” “$@”
Is this a memory issue? I can see from the documentation: “GPU memory use is relatively limited during training time, but at reconstruction time the GPU must be able to fit at least 2x the size of a volume at the full resolution box size.” If so, are there any work arounds to this, since my particles are relatively large (800 pixels)