2D classification counts all particles as duplicates after reextraction and deletion of original extraction

Hi there!

I have a project where I extracted tons of particles in the first round (ca. 10 million) and heavily down selected afterwards with 2D and 3D classification. I then reextracted the particles. To save space, I cleared the original extraction job. Now, when I do either remove duplicates or 2D classification, almost all my particles I have are removed (I get exactly 1 per micrograph). If I add micrograph pixel size to remove duplicates, it works as it does normally and I keep most of my particles. However, my department runs cryosparc 4.4.1, so that is not an option for 2D classification jobs (I believe it’s implemented in 4.5+).

I’ve tried “Reassign particles”, but to no avail. Any idea what to do from here?

Hi there @kbjoernsson,

Thanks for the post. The suggested procedure for handling this issue, for CryoSPARC v4.4.1, has been described here. In short: Remove duplicate particles can be done via the standalone job with a specified micrograph pixel size, and the remove duplicates parameter in the 2D classification job can be disabled.

The reason for this was due to a bug that existed for particle datasets picked before version v4.4.1, in which not all metadata including the micrograph pixel size was tracked.

Let me know if this answers your question

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Hi Michael,

That fixed the issue - thanks!
