Feature request to make it clearer when a job is linked. Currently, there’s no indication beyond the option to unlink the job.
Something like a blue outline might be nice? I spent a few hours in photoshop mocking up this prototype:
Feature request to make it clearer when a job is linked. Currently, there’s no indication beyond the option to unlink the job.
Something like a blue outline might be nice? I spent a few hours in photoshop mocking up this prototype:
@ccgauvin94 Are you asking to more prominently show jobs that are linked to more than one workspace in any workspace to which they have been linked?
Yes, when a job in a workspace is linked to that workspace from elsewhere.
Although perhaps some would find the opposite useful as well? When a job has in a workspace is linked to other workspaces.
I absolutely agree. I have (ahem, often) mistakenly deleted very large and necessary linked jobs that I thought originated from my current workspace and were now irrelevant, but which were actually very much needed for other datasets within my project.
The reason for deletion/clearing is just because I am trying to make more space, but if in doing so I might sabotage my entire project I tend to not want to delete any intermediate work or job output, which is also a problem.
Can’t say I haven’t done this
100% agree this would be helpful
Thank you all for the suggestions! We’ll work on improving this in the future.
- Suhail
Another approach would be to take the linking logic from unix (and windows and mac to a certain extent) - where deleting a link by default deletes only the link/shortcut, and not the originating job. In these cases also the link is generally either color coded or has a little badge to indicate that it is a link/shortcut, not the original article.
Hey @olibclarke ,
We’re planning the following:
Final jobs are marked with a solid flag icon, final ancestor jobs are marked with an outlined flag icon:
The data cleanup action that allows you to reduce the size of your workspace/project while retaining important results:
Let me know what you think!
- Suhail
This looks really nice. One nitpick thought is that it’s not clear that ‘Clear’ removes results but retains the settings. Perhaps it should be renamed ‘Clear Results’, which would also keep the terminology consistent with ‘Clear Intermediate Results’.
I look forwards to better data management tools because that’s honestly the biggest factor limiting throughput at our facility right now.
On a tangent, but, I wonder if it’d be possible for extract particles to show a disk space estimate before queuing the job? If I remember correctly, MRC has no compression, so total space should just be box size * number of particles * 1. That might scare some users from performing unnecessary extractions.
This looks good to me! One other related data management issue, would it be possible to give a size estimate for individual workspaces? Obviously this would only include jobs originating from that workspace, but that would be consistent with how workspace deletion works, and would help when deciding which workspaces to prioritize for deletion. This would also allow one to sort workspaces by size on disk, which I think would be very useful.
Hi @olibclarke ,
Yes, the size of the workspace will be listed in the sidebar as part of this update too.
- Suhail
Hi all,
The Data Cleanup tool is available to use in v4.3 (August 9, 2023). Check out the docs!
- Suhail