Project reattached - Jobs missing


Completed Deleted.

job status in table view is consistent with a completed, deleted job where the Show Deleted filter has been applied. In this case, you would also see deleted=true as part of the URL. Was the Show Deleted filter enabled when your recorded the screenshot of job P136 J46?
Do you consistently observe that a large number of jobs in a workspace initially show, then disappear?
Are the “disappearing” jobs displayed when you enable the Show Deleted filter?
You may also encounter the

Completed Deleted.

job status when the UI is disrupted for some reason. The debug logs you shared with us indicate that the UI is accessed using a URL that begins
with http://<hostname>:<portnumber>. Such a URL may result in UI disruptions for hostnames other than localhost or 127.*.*.* (see Webapp get really unresponsive on heavy load - #7 by wtempel).
Does the UI of your CryoSPARC instance behave as expected when you access the UI via port forwarding and a URL like<forwarded_localport>?