I came across importing job failed problem which is similar with post from 2 years ago, and after I follow the instruction, it still show same error as “Ubable to find data referenced by cs files”.
Here is how I did it:
tar -cvhf P17_J210_extract_micrographs_multi.tar ./P17_J210_extract_micrographs_multi (I run this command in the export/jobs folder of P17);
mkdir -p my_project/P18/imports/jobs;
tar -xvf P17_J210_extract_micrographs_multi.tar -C my_project/P18/imports/jobs (I run this command in the export/jobs folder of P17).
Was I wrong at any command running?
If this was the literal command you executed, in which directory did you execute that command?
If my_project was in fact a path beginning with /, would you like to send me a direct message with the output of find my_project/P18/imports/jobs -ls
Yes, this is a duplicate of another post, sorry for that. my_project is a subsitution of my absolute path, it is beginning with /, and below is how I run the command and when I run your command, the output said No such file or directory.
[s181081@NucleusC025 /] mkdir -p /project/cellbiology/Nicastro_lab/nusr/yanhe/linux/data/cryoSPARC/P18/imports/jobs
[s181081@NucleusC025 /] find /project/cellbiology/Nicastro_lab/nusr/yanhe/linux/data/cryoSPARC/P18/imports/jobs ls
find: ‘ls’: No such file or directory
Thanks to point me out any mistake I made.
You are totally correct, the P17_J210_extract_micrographs_multi.tar was inside P18/imports/jobs.
I just deleted it from the import/jobs folder when I realized it doesn’t work.
Let me redo the copy command and run the find -ls again and post you the output again.
When I redo the extract command as below, something I thought weird happened, as it was built the absolute path of /project/cellbiology/Nicastro_lab/nusr/yanhe/linux/data/cryoSPARC/P17/exports/jobs/P17_J210_extract_micrographs_multi under the P18/imports/jobs
command to run:
tar -xvf P17_J210_extract_micrographs_multi.tar -C /project/cellbiology/Nicastro_lab/nusr/yanhe/linux/data/cryoSPARC/P18/imports/jobs
output example after find -ls
144120761651608170 12 -rw-r–r-- 1 s181081 Nicastro_lab 9736 Oct 27 23:53 /project/cellbiology/Nicastro_lab/nusr/yanhe/linux/data/cryoSPARC/P18/imports/jobs/project/cellbiology/Nicastro_lab/nusr/yanhe/linux/data/cryoSPARC/P17/exports/jobs/P17_J210_extract_micrographs_multi/P17_J210_micrographs/J4/thumbnails/008319023014213123656_0820_08.53.34_thumb_@1x.png
tar -cvhf P17_J210_extract_micrographs_multi.tar ./P17_J210_extract_micrographs_multi (run this command in the export/jobs folder of P17);
mkdir -p imports/jobs (run this command in the folder of P18);
tar -xvf P17_J210_extract_micrographs_multi.tar -C /project/cellbiology/Nicastro_lab/nusr/yanhe/linux/data/cryoSPARC/P18/imports/jobs (run this command in the export/jobs folder of P17).
find -ls (run this command in the imports/jobs folder of P18) and output example as below
144120761651629665 40 -rw-r–r-- 1 s181081 Nicastro_lab 39998 Oct 27 15:25 ./P17_J210_extract_micrographs_multi/P17_J210_micrographs/J4/thumbnails/007293578341987832271_0130_20.11.21_thumb_@2x.png
Attached please see output. find -ls and tar tvf give large output so I just post example here.
1, the original job directory
pwd /project/cellbiology/Nicastro_lab/nusr/yanhe/linux/data/cryoSPARC/P17/J210
find -ls example
144120742978621196 38284 -rw-rw-r-- 1 s181081 Nicastro_lab 39201024 Dec 28 21:32 ./extract/013296433599356144510_05315_09.39.53_patch_aligned_doseweighted_particles.mrc
2, the exports/jobs directory of the original project
pwd /project/cellbiology/Nicastro_lab/nusr/yanhe/linux/data/cryoSPARC/P17/exports/jobs
find -ls example
144120761685119956 4 lrwxrwxrwx 1 s181081 Nicastro_lab 148 Feb 17 20:29 ./P17_J210_extract_micrographs_multi/P17_J210_micrographs/J84/imported/004043529215483168151_04019_15.19.02.mrc → /project/cellbiology/Nicastro_lab/nusr/yanhe/linux/data /cryoSPARC/P17/J84/imported/004043529215483168151_04019_15.19.02.mrc
3, tar tvf P17_J210_extract_micrographs_multi.tar example
-rw-rw-r-- s181081/Nicastro_lab 15681024 2022-12-28 21:28 ./P17_J210_extract_micrographs_multi/P17_J210_particles/J210/extract/012065229037015907991_04226_17.15.49_patch_aligned_doseweighted_particles.mrc
I’m still struggling with the problem.
As attached shown: after the three command running, the folder (not the link) is under the imports folder of new project P18 and cs files for micrographs and particles are also there.
But when I import it still could not find the cs file.
Could you please point me out?
Please can you re-try the job import and look out for a new job that should be created in the workspace.
An actual path to a missing file should be shown at the of the event log (Overview tab on pre-v4 CryoSPARC) of that newly created job.
It can import particles but not micrographs. And when I check the overview it point me clearly that unable find mrc files in the import movies job.
I had my movies copied and deleted to save space after I done the motion correction and CTF estimation.