Import from EMDB failure/error instead of warning

Importing from EMDB failed with this warning, but the job is marked as completed. Probably should cause job failure.

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The EMDB server also times out fairly regularly (at least for me).

Might be nice is there was a fallback option, as there are other places to grab EM depositions from (emdataresource, pdbj) although their layouts are different. If it was an drop down option, users could select their nearest mirror.

Thanks @DanielAsarnow, we took a note of your suggestion.

@rbs_sci Roughly how often have you tried, how often has it failed after February?

While not a drop-in replacement for EMDB downloads, CryoSPARC v4.5 allows uploading local files as an alternative.

Not tried recently, sorry. I’ll notify if/when it happens when I try again.