Hello Kye,
I am picking the particles using the napari-boxmanager, a crYOLO plugin for picking and visualizing the picking results. After crYOLO has picked the particles it outputs a star file dedicated to importing the particle locations into cryosparc (cryosparc.star). It is of the format shown in my post above.
I then import these particle locations using the “Import Particle Stack” Job from CS. The particle meta path leads to the cryosparc.star file. The parameter Ignore raw data, Ignore pose data and Remove leading UID in input exposure file name are checked.
Furthermore I checked the following parameters:
Enable Strict Checking
Particle pick locations (locations)
Particle filament data (filament)
Particle pick statistics (pick_stats)
Then I connect the imported micrographs (the one on which I performed the picking in crYOLO) to this “Import Particle Stack” Job and run the Job.
The Job runs and imports the particle picks. However, only when I connect the outputs of this “Import Particle Stack” Job with a “Manual Picker” Job I am able to inspect the picking. The “Inspect Picks” Job does not show the picks on the micrographs let alone provide the score thresholds.
So I am not sure how I can control this, while I am already quite happy of being able to successfully import the particle locations into CS, it would be helpful to have real time control over the threshold. Since this is something CS provides I wanted to take advantage of this.
I hope this information helps, maybe I am missing something. Please let me know if you need any other information regarding my particle picking workflow.
Thank you very much
Best regards