I have some trouble in analyzing negative stain micrographs.
I manually picked ~1000 particles for 2D classification. But when I tried to use the selected 2D classes for template picking, it seems like Cryosparc picked the dark background instead of the white particles. I know this is how it works for autopicking particles from Cryo-images in which the particle is black. But is there any solution for the negative stain?
When I tried to use the generated .mrc file to serve as a template for autopicking in relion, it seems like I need to convert the .mrc to .mrcs. How could I achieve that?
Where can I find the information about the pixel size of the generated .mrc file by cryoSPARC?
Not sure about this one, but when you import your micrograph to cryoSPARC, you should tell what type of images you are importing (negative staining, black-on-white).
Just rename it to .mrcs
You can use “header” command from IMOD to display the pixel space information of the mrc file.