Half-maps after local refinement Cryosparc 4.5.1

Dear cryosparc team,

I am using local refinement to get focused 3D-refined maps and obtain apparently correct maps and sharpened maps. However, when I download the half maps, they look like if they were empty. The slices look fine during the process. I am not sure if this is how they should look but they look different after other local refinements I have performed previously.

Below you have an image of one of this half maps opened in ChimeraX. There is a faint signal of the map.

Do you have any idea of what could be happening and how to solve it?

Thank you!

Welcome to the forum @psansito
Please can you let us know what you observe when you follow the suggestions in Nothing in the half-maps after refinement 2.0 - #7 by rposert.

Hey, I saw a faint density. I could solve the problem by low-pass filtering the maps to 1.5 Å