Undo volume alignment tools?


Is there anyway to easily undo the transformation applied by volume alignment tools?

We have a situtation where local refinements of peripheral sub-particles are giving much better results after recentering using volume alignment tools (even without cropping and re-extracting).

We would then like to put these back in the context of the consensus refinement. We can do this manually, of course, but it is kind of tedious, so some way to easily do the reverse operation would be a time saver!


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Hi @olibclarke,

Just to clarify your request – when using volume alignment tools just to shift the centre of the volume & particles, is the “manual” inverse transformation simply running volume alignment tools again with the negative of the shift?

E.g. if the original shift is (N/2 + sx, N/2 + sy, N/2 + sz), I would think that running it again with (N/2 - sx, N/2 - sy, N/2 - sz) accomplishes this?

I like the idea of being able to move between these more easily, without having to manually invert the transformation yourself. It would be a bit non-trivial to figure out what data has to be stored to do this properly, though, and overall we’re moving toward having a cleaner implementation of different coordinate frames for subvolumes & sub particles – I will put this on our feature tracker as a potential extension.


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Hi @mmclean,

Yes exactly - the transformation you have given here works, but it would be good to have a way to deal with it without so much manual intervention, although if you have a different way to deal with this in the pipeline then maybe not worth the bother.
