Dependency update

After I updated cryosparc from Version 3 to version 4.6.0, I found two cryosparc in my computer. The original one is installed under /home/software/cryosparc/ and after update there is another one under /data/cryosparc (version is 4.6.0 and I want to use this one). I also updated the worker under /data/cryosparc but the master under /data/cryosparc is connected to worker under /software. how can I update the dependency? Thanks in advance.

Before trying to modify the configuration, it may be useful to understand why there are two CryoSPARC installations. May I ask:

  1. What command(s) did you run to update CryoSPARC?
  2. How many CryoSPARC installations where there before the update?
  3. Could one of the CryoSPARC installations belong to another user?
  4. What are the outputs of the commands
    which cryosparcm
    echo $PATH
    cryosparcm status | grep -v LICENSE
    ps -eo user:16,pid,ppid,start,command | grep -e cryosparc_ -e mongo
    ls -l /tmp/mongo*.sock /tmp/cryosparc*.sock
    cryosparcm cli "get_scheduler_targets()"
    ls -l /home/software/cryosparc/
    ls -l /data/cryosparc/
    cat /data/cryosparc/cryosparc_worker/version