The post is similar, but not the same. In CS, you have the CTF output available, but in CS live there is no CTF output for connecting external particles, only exposure without the CTF information.
I can always re-run CTF estimation after connecting the exposures, but that would be redundant and inefficient.
Interesting. Please can you expand the CryoSPARC Live Exposure Export job and share a screenshot of the Outputs tab’s accepted_exposures section (see example below) with us?
My Live Exposure Export job does have all these outputs. I am assuming the CTF information is there.
Here is my problem, I’ve used external particles coordinates in star format to extract from the CS live exposures (ignoring the raw data), but after extraction the 2D classes like fuzzy:
Am I correctly assuming that these these thumbnails are from a 2D classification job?
Please can you post a screenshot of the continuous workflow (with visible job types), including but not limited to
the job where the *.star file was input
the job that output exposures used in particle extraction
the 2d classification job
as well as Inputs screenshots of 1. and 3., Outputs screenshot for 2.